Last post from the Cat Survival Trust, but not cats! There was a lovely pony and her week old foal being moved from one area to another and we happened to be in the right place, right time to take some photos! Such a cute foal!
Last of the cats from the Cat Survival Trust, but there are still some photos to go, as they have other animals there too. This time we have the jaguarundi, servals, ocelot and various domestic moggies that roamed the grounds freely!
Here are some photos of the two bobcats at the Cat Survival Trust. They are male and female and are a pair, but they have to separate them at feeding time because otherwise they fight over the food!!
I think the slightly light coloured one is the male, and the one being fed is the female, but I could have got that wrong.
The snow leopards spent most of the time sleeping, so enjoy the first photo of an awake one, because the rest are either sleeping or yawning shots!! I think we were lucky that all the cats weren't sleeping, considering how many hours a day cats sleep!